Music Submissions
Growth House welcomes submissions of CDs for consideration for promotion via either Growth House Radio or our Music Thanatology page. Albums may include music, spoken word, or a combination of the two. Purely vocal music may be sung or chanted without accompanying instruments. Recorded music can include natural sounds such as chimes, bells, bird songs, wind, or rain. For general use at Growth House your CD must be of a soothing, relaxing, or uplifting nature that reflects the sacred space in which the dying find themselves. We also promote a small number of amusing, inspiring, or otherwise fun CDs in our "Music To Lighten Things Up" category, or on our seasonal channels for Christmas and Halloween.
If wish to send us a free, non-returnable demo album, please mail it to:
Growth House, Inc.
Package Receiving
2215-R Market St. , #199
San Francisco, CA 94114
If you would like to discuss anything related to music submissions please call us at 415-863-3045 between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday, Pacific Time. If your album is explicitly designed for use in hospice care, or if you have other experience that directly relates to the use of music in care of the dying, please let us know.
In order to be considered for promotion your album must be available for purchase either at or at Our promotional format for Growth House Radio relies on music samples that are available via those online services. In a small number of cases we may ask your permission to play full selections from your music. If we select your music for that type of promotion we will request a signed usage agreement with the copyright holder. We will fax or mail you a copy of our usage agreement paperwork to you if your music is under consideration for that type of promotion. We do not execute usage agreements via electronic mail; we require original paperwork for signed agreements, transmitted via surface mail.
Copyrights and Licenses and Royalties (Oh My!)
Copyright Law grants to the copyright owner the exclusive right to perform and to authorize the performance of a copyrighted work in the case of literary, musical, motion pictures, and other audio visual works. Although some exemptions for educational purposes are included in the law, Growth House is very strict in its interpretation of these laws.
Copyright law is complicated, and we do not provide legal advice. If you are unclear about copyright issues please check with an attorney, or review the education materials provided by the U. S. Copyright Office [ ] and the Recording Industry Association of America [ ].
The book
Breaking Into The Music Business by entertainment lawyer Alan Siegel includes a good introduction to music contracts and licensing issues.
In order to be considered for use on Growth House Radio, you must be able to affirm that you have unrestricted rights to the music you want us to play. A typical creative work may include more than one kind of copyright. Typically, the two copyrights used for musical works are Form SR (for a Sound Recording) and Form PA (for Performing Arts). Other issues may be involved, such as fees due to songwriters, publishers, performers, and producers. All of these folks may want their cut whenever a work is used. Please review your work for copyright and royalty issues prior to submitting it to us, including a close review by you of any restrictions in performance that may exist in your sourcing relationships. We are not responsible for defects in copyrights or other licensing that may arise as a result of your submissions to us.
Music Features At Growth House
Growth House Radio is a unique stream of music and audiotext education for end-of-life care. It's entertainment with a mission!
Growth House Radio is available on the Growth House web site, and selected radio segments are also available on other web sites that carry Growth House Radio as an affiliate service of the Inter-Instutional Collaborating Network on End-of-life Care (IICN). If you wish to have your music featured on Growth House Radio you must sign a formal usage agreement with Growth House, Inc., and must provide us with a free, non-returnable demo album that we will use to create your digital media streams. We do not pay for demo albums, and will not return them. We will not pay postage on items submitted to us via COD.
Our Music Thanatology page explains how music is used in care of the dying and provides links to featured albums.
The Growth House Bookstore also features books and music is used in care of the dying.
· Hospice Care
· Palliative Care
· Death With Dignity
· Grief
· Send Us Mail
Listen to interviews and sample music below, or search for music at CDBaby.
Kelly Lockwood
Growth House interviews harpist Kelly Lockwood about how music is used in care and her own training at the Chalice of Repose project. |

Graceful Passages
Remarkable two-CD set designed specifically for support of the dying.

The Blessings of Music
Two music CDs with instructional booklet on use of music in care of the sick and dying.

Meditations on Life - Death
Music and contemplative readings on the nature of mortality.

The Ladder of the Soul
Improvisational Celtic harp music suitable for meditation and relaxation.

Kabbalah Music
Meditations, devotions and ecstasies, new and old, from around the world.

Chamber Choir Kiev
Orthodox sacred music.

Open The Gates
New American Jewish music for prayer.

Rhythms of the Natural Voice
Vocal meditations in Hebrew, with music combining Eastern and Western flavors.

Tuning The Soul
Jewish sacred music and chant with a Middle-Eastern sound.

Gentle Vespers
Gentle melodies from around the world featuring harp and sounds of nature.

Homage To Ganesha
Delightful Hindu devotional chant.

Non Nobis Domine
Gregorian chant by St. Gregory's choirs.

Lyrical folk singing on themes of grief and loss.

The Tranquil Harp
Relaxing Celtic harp.

Oyasumi - Goodnight
Japanese lullabies and restful koto melodies.

A Journey Into Light
Guided meditations to bring light to dark times.