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Empty Cradle, Broken Heart

Surviving the Death of Your Baby

by Deborah L. Davis, Ph.D.

Paperback, 268 pages
Published by Fulcrum Pub
Publication date: March 1, 1996
ISBN: 1555913024


Death of a baby is one of the most difficult types of grief. This book takes a caring look at bereavement and healing following miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death due to other causes.

The author doesn't tell you what you should be feeling, but helps you recognize common reactions and ways of moving toward recovery. The emphasis on how you can heal by mourning the loss and moving on without denying the pain.

Related Resources: Natal and Infant Death

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This content is provided by Growth House, Inc., the Internet's leading resource for end-of-life care. Visit our main web site at www.growthhouse.org.