Eldercare and Dementia
While most seniors are healthy and function at high levels, as people grow older concerns for health care and day-to-day living increase. Eldercare often requires a multidisciplinary approach that touches on several aspects of life, including healthcare, daily living arrangements, finances, and emotional well being.
To ensure the highest quality of life for the longest time, both seniors and their caregivers need information about available alternatives. Check the column on the right for some of the best resources we've found to the eldercare information maze. Additional resources on both physical and mental aspects of aging may be found in health care directories.
At the very end of life, many people who are terminally ill choose to remain at home or enter a home-like alternative care setting such as a hospice. The decision to utilize hospice and home care services may be closely connected with a desire to achieve death with dignity.
Facing the end of life leads to feelings of grief and bereavement, both in the elderly person who is dying and in others. Many support groups are available to help you through this end of life process, including groups for bereaved families.
· Hospice Care
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· Death With Dignity
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If you are caring for an elderly or disabled family member, check out ElderIssues.com. They offer a web-based eldercare service that can help caregivers coordinate support for aging parents or diabled family members. You can use their online system to store information about your loved ones and provide access to that information to multiple members of the care team. This system was developed for professional case managers and is now available for use by the general public. Hospices or assisted living facilities can also contract with this service to provide extended case management services to families that may be geographically dispersed. The web site includes a good library of articles on many aspects of aging and caregiving.
Practical advice on caring for aging parents. Includes a helpful vital information and eldercare planner.
Here's a realistic memoir of what it's like to care for someone with progressive dementia due to Alzheimer's Disease. You can listen to readings from this book.
Search for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease in the IICN Public Library .
web sites for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.