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How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter

by Sherwin B. Nuland

Published by Vintage Books
Publication date: January 1, 1995
ISBN: 0679742441 (paperback)
ISBN: 0679414614 (hardback)
ISBN: 0679437193 (audio casettes)


An award-winning account by a noted surgeon describing in frank yet compassionate detail just what most of us are likely to face when the time comes. Dying has become such a taboo subject in modern society, most of us never have the honor of being with someone in their final days and moments.

Chapters cover different types of death, making clear the processes and choices that go along with each one. It addresses both medical and emotional realities of common conditions such as cancer, heart disease, AIDS, Alzheimer's, severe trauma, and just plain wearing out.

Why read such a book? Taking away the fear of the unknown can bring courage and peace in the face of a difficult time. This book presents unpleasant facts in simple language that anyone can understand.

Be prepared to cry, since reading this book may make you experience feelings associated with people you love.

Table of Contents

I. The Strangled Heart
II. A Valentine - and How It Fails
III. Three Score and Ten
IV. Doors to Death of the Aged
V. Alzheimer's Disease
VI. Murder and Serenity
VII. Accidents, Suicide, and Euthanasia
VIII. A Story of AIDS
IX. The Life of a Virus and The Death of a Man
X. The Malevolence of Cancer
XI. Hope and the Cancer Patient
XII. The Lessons Learned

Related Resources: Hospice Care | Death With Dignity

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