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How To Survive The Loss Of A Parent

A Guide For Adults

by Lois F. Akner and Catherine Whitney

Reprint Edition
Published by Quill
Publication date: December 1994
ISBN: 0688137911


This book is intended for adult readers who are seeking support following the death of a parent, either recently or some time in the past. Loss of a parent is one of the most difficult experiences in life. The bond between parent and child is a powerful one, and death may bring up issues long forgotten or never resolved.

Akner uses real-life stories from participants in her popular workshops to illustrate the range of reactions people may have when a parent dies. She suggests ways to take care of unfinished business that must be addressed as part of the healing process.

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This content is provided by Growth House, Inc., the Internet's leading resource for end-of-life care. Visit our main web site at www.growthhouse.org.