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Also see: Eldercare and Dementia | Palliative Care | Hospice | Grief |
book cover

Fourteen Friends' Guide to Elder-Caring

Paperback, 210 pages
Published by Broadway Books
Publication date: 2000
ISBN: 0767906004


This book is a practical, people-oriented sourcebook for adults who find themselves taking care of their parents. With medical science constantly extending life expectancy, baby boomers face a large-scale problem of caring for elderly parents. Eldercare can be a tough job. This book gives you a simple yet systematic roadmap for developing and carrying out a care plan. It includes a helpful "Vital Information and Eldercare Planner" with practical worksheets for key medical and legal information.

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The Fourteen Friends are a group of real friends who first met in high school. Through the years they have helped one another with many life changes. This book embodies this spirit of group support. With flexibility, humor, and gentle understanding the authors show you how to handle the stress and draw closer to those who need your help.

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This content is provided by Growth House, Inc., the Internet's leading resource for end-of-life care. Visit our main web site at www.growthhouse.org.