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The Cancer Chemotherapy Handbook

David S. Fischer, MD (Yale University)
M. Tish Knobf, RN, MSN (Yale School of Nursing)
Henry J. Durivage, PharmD (Theradex Systems, Inc)
Published by Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
Publication date: May, 2003
ISBN: 0323018904 (Soft cover, 6th Edition)


Called the "Bible of Chemotherapy" by some, this new edition is concisely written yet comprehensive in scope. It's an authoritative practical guide to the medical care of cancer, formatted for easy access to the more than 85 specific drugs currently used in cancer treatment. It's an excellent reference book for oncology nurses, oncology residents, and hematology residents.

This edition includes new chapters on pediatric cancer therapy, high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell support, and blood transfusion therapy. The expanded index covers special toxicity criteria associated with transplantation.

This book received a 3-star rating from Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
  • 2. Clinical Trials and Good Clinical Practice
  • 3. Chemotherapy Drugs
  • 4. Biological Response Modifiers
  • 5. Cancer Chemotherapy Administration
  • 6. Combination Chemotherapy
  • 7. Ethical Considerations in Cancer
  • 8. Cancer Pain Management
  • 9. High-Dose Chemotherapy With Stem Cell Support
  • 10. Assessment and Management of Organ System Toxicity
  • 11. Blood Transfusion Therapy for the Cancer Patient
  • 12. Principles of Pediatric Cancer Therapy
  • Appendix A
  • Appendix B: General References

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